
date_range 2023-07-24 Mon

测试了用腾讯云cos + picGo + typora 来存储blog图片,还不错,拿一张图片出来试试水


Git Remove Submodules

date_range 2022-04-06 Wed

Remove the submodule entry from .git/config git submodule deinit -f path/to/submodule Remove the submodule directory from the superproject’s .

Long Time to Update

date_range 2021-04-11 Sun

There is a long long time for me to write blog post, TOO busy in 2021.

Move To Hugo

date_range 2020-10-21 Wed

在经历了使用wp繁琐,修改麻烦,维护麻烦,性能消耗太高等等各种毛病,以及尝试了hexo等之前的一些静态站点生成工具后,本次总算找到了适合我自己个人口味的静态资源站点生成工具:hugo,有几个优点: 使用golang:至少我也曾经学习过,上手容易,不需要装nodejs 项目目录结构清晰,维护方便 撰写文章目录结构定义方便灵活,可以按照自己的需求自行定制 模块化管理很方便 …(更多优点还在发掘中)

Preparation Install ubuntu 20.04 Install dependencies sudo apt-get -y install build-essential asciidoc binutils bzip2 gawk gettext \ git libncurses5-dev libz-dev patch python3.

Since there is little material style themes based on Google Official Material libs, And I decided to design a new material theme named: i4o.

Robot learning Note(1) – Basic

date_range 2020-06-11 Thu

As we all known that robotic and automation industries will become more and more popular in the future, and I’m working at robotic industry.

Recently, when I installed centos 8 with the latest docker and containerd.io installed in my server. I found that the default configuration for firewalld blocked all docker container internet connection. And I also tried to install ubuntu 20.04 LTS server with ufw, it still couldn't be right configured. So I went back to CentOS 8 again.

After tried these for a few days, I figured out how to fixed this.

Environment details

OS: CentOS 8.1
Docker version: 19.03.8, build afacb8b
docker-compose version: 1.25.5, build 8a1c60f6


  • Enable ipv4 forward
    sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf

Add the following line in this file

RT,一直想自制一个主题,今天花了点时间研究了下,制作了这个简单的**“i4o.xyz”**极简的主题 仅有唯一的一个依赖: fontawesome 自己用软件配色,效果还行:


date_range 2020-02-14 Fri

2020,对于所有国人来说,注定是一个不平凡的一年 一场流感,让整个社会出现了前所未有的危机 商铺关门、学校无法开学、企业无法复工。。。 大街上几乎见不到人、人人都宅在家,不敢出门大街上几乎见不到人、人人都宅在家,不敢出门 没人知道这场疫情什么时候能过去 每个人都希望能早日过去 学校及培训结构已经筹划在家远程学习 企业也陆陆续续尽可能的开始复工 然 疫情已发,天灾抑或是人祸?